php/Cakephp/JQuery/Twitter Bootstrap
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  • The official website of a famous Japanese manga artist. Selling video and image content that can only be purchased from this site.

    This project is the first big I have participated in. Until then, I worked on some small projects and fine-tuned codes and added small functions. I remember I was excited.
    Before join the project, I learned about Cakephp by myself. Because I didn't have knowledge of Cakephp. When it comes to web framework, I've had Struts and Zend framework of experience, but I've never used Cakephp.
    Thanks to that, I understood about site structure and how to develop. This opportunity was very useful for me under my career. Because I acquired fundamental web technology such as HTTP, URI, and HTML.


    CakePHP is a free, open-source, rapid development framework for PHP. It’s a foundational structure for programmers to create web applications. Our primary goal is to enable you to work in a structured and rapid manner–without loss of flexibility.

    When a web application is created, I think Cakephp supports development very well. The framework prepares some functions that when we create web applications in advance.


    Looking back, I think I was a junior developer. Because I wrote the code very fast, but I didn't know about design pattern and algorithms. That mean I knew only one way.

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    Momoko Planet
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